Dr Danielle McMullen and Dr Julian Rait

Ready to lead your AMA

Dr Danielle McMullen for AMA President

Never has being a doctor been more challenging - but with great challenge comes great opportunity. As a trusted leader, advocate and voice for health policy that serves doctors and our patients, I am the right choice for leadership of the AMA at this critical time. As the current Vice President of AMA, and past president of AMA(NSW) during COVID, I bring the experience, skills and relationships to ensure the AMA thrives.

Dr Julian Rait for AMA Vice President

More I see significant challenges facing the profession over the next few years and thus the AMA leadership needs to become more proactive in shaping the future of our health system. Doctors across all career states and specialties are under pressure like never before. Like frogs in the proverbial pot of boiling water, we are asked to do more for stagnant reimbursement while being expected to become ever more resilient as the temperature in the pot continues to rise. I believe that the combination of Dr Danielle McMullen as your next President and myself as Vice President will provide the strong leadership necessary to reinvigorate the AMA’s advocacy in order to improve the well-being of doctors and our health system

Ready to lead Your AMA

Forged during a pandemic, our partnership is ready to handle the toughest of challenges. Our experience across General Practice, Doctor-in-Training issues, Private Specialist Practice, Hospital practice, Indemnity insurance and Private health insurance means that no matter your specialty or career stage, we’re here for you.

We will lead a collaborative, engaging AMA where your voice is heard and amplified to decision-makers. We are committed to a health system that meets the needs of doctors and patients, and is fit for the future

“Danielle and Julian are the right team, at the right time, for the AMA”


Join us at AMA24 to be part of the election action

If you’re attending AMA24 and would like to be a voting delegate, please contact your State AMA or secgen@ama.com.au to register your interest. Voting delegates are selected based on state of residence (organised by State AMAs) and practice group (organised by AMA Federal) - General Practice, Rural Doctors, Private Specialist Practice, Public Hospital Doctors, Doctors in Training.